Let's just list the crap pile that was my week. They are in no particular order of crapitude but some are worse than others. 1. I can't wear my wedding & engagement ring because I bashed my hand against something doing chores and bruised my finger. Every time I put the rings on I get a burning pain. Great. 2. My Hubby got his hours cut, again. Now he's down to 30 and we're scrambling to cut budget and/or make up the loss in funds. 3. Which leads me selling plasma. I'm all-around healthy, so it's not all that difficult. I DID find the 4 hours spent there yesterday and the 30 mile round trip to home and back to get a marriage certificate to prove I changed my name to be almost too much to endure. And all that for 20 bucks.......... 4. I was sitting down in the garage on a bale of straw cleaning the fog off my glasses when my left lens fell off into a pile of straw. Think of it as trying to find a needle in a haystack, blind. We h...
there lives a woman with knitting needles of fire.