So, Alex and I were watching My Little Pony - Stop laughing, it's actually a decent cartoon. Well, I must explain: Alex and his Skype friends are 'Bronies' -guys who like My Little Pony. Hey, he could be doing coke off a dead hookers ass, but instead he's watching a kids' cartoon. I'm fine with that. He encouraged me to watch a few episodes to gain an opinion and I did. It's better than I expected. (BTW, to whomever made the photo: Thanks! It's a cute pic) The episode on Saturday that got me thinking was about Alex's favorite pony, Fluttershy and her wish to become friends with a Chinese Dragon named Discord. Oh and Discord's voice is the same dude who did Q for the ST: TNG TV Show. Discord is a mean dragon, always trying to get an angle off Fluttershy who is trying to be nice to him. Eventually Discord pulls one too many BS moves and Fluttershy gets ticked. Anyone who knows the show knows, Fluttershy doesn't get ticked of...
there lives a woman with knitting needles of fire.