So, i downloaded the app on my phone. Let's see if I can get more blogging done on the cell than I do if I sit at my laptop. Right now it's a lot of studying going on, some talk of transferring from one university in the Wisconsin system to another university because of problems with the collaborative online stuff.
Knitting has been stopped for a little bit. I've had a few request for more prayer shawls, but I'm taking a break from them right now. I turned out three of them in less than two months, that is a record for me.
I bought a truck. It is not a new truck, in fact it's pretty old, but I do like it better than having the car. If I am to commute to and from Madison, I'll need a truck that's not worthy of stealing. With the truck being a stick shift, it will be sufficient theft deterrent.
The photo is of Fred the goose and I. He's one of the the two last hatched. Papa Percy and Mama Mary are good goose parents for them. They like me to sit and let them chew on my coat buttons, hair and fingers.