I was relating how my Dad gave me advice some 20+ years ago. He said, "Brenda, not everything needs to be a fight. Sometimes it's just better if you'd shut up." Interesting advice, but it has an interesting story behind it. (The picture has noting to do with the story, but I have to add them because I like pictures. This is Tigger, my kitty) Back some 20 years ago, I was on welfare, getting Section 8 housing after that SOB of a Father to my son left us high and dry before I was even showing. What do you do when 1/2 of the parental units bails on you? You go on welfare and work your ass out of that situation. Well, Alex was less than 1 year old, and Section 8 will not allow you to be living in a 1 bedroom apartment with a child. You need 2 bedrooms, so I needed to move. I found an apartment on the other side of town in an 8 unit building; upstairs and to the right. It'll do and Section 8 approved it. Only after that did I find out that the Landlord o...
there lives a woman with knitting needles of fire.