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Showing posts from December, 2018

Forgiveness and why a lot of people get it wrong

            I was at a party earlier this week having a discussion with a friend when his spouse spoke up.  She feels that I should let go of the regret and pain caused by a family member and ‘forgive’ him.  I’m sure she meant well, but whether or not I’ve forgiven that man for the pain he’s caused me and my immediate family is none of her business, nor is it any of HIS business as well.  My forgiveness, or lack thereof, is only between God and I. And I think this is where most people – even Christians- get it wrong.   They believe that #1: you should personally tell that person that you forgive them.   No, you don’t.   Forgiveness is between you and God.   And whether or not you forgive someone should not be made public.   Imagine if you did bad all your life but others would constantly say, “I forgive you”   The majority of people would just go on doing the damage they’ve been doing all alon...

Using Memes to Lighten my mood

 There are days when life is just annoying. When all you want to do is sit in your favorite chair, or snuggle into bed and just chill.  Or when you are putting up with other people's crap too much. There is a need to get away from the seriousness, or just get away from the reality of lives. Memes help. I've been stashing memes for a few years now. And I remember one unfortunate time when I was awaiting my Graduation ceremony from Tech School, staring at a friend request on Facebook from a Professor that I really didn't want. Who wants to be friends with the person that ruined what was supposed to be the best part of your experience in your program? Yeah, I'd rather just drill holes in my forehead.  I sat at the nearest restaurant - Culvers, by the way, a local treasure here in Wisconsin -grabbing a quick bite before graduation, staring at that stupid friend request.  At that moment, it was too much stress for me to deal with. So I flipped to a Facebook grou...

Sometimes, life goals aren't necessarily life goals

Photographs are also helpful with reviews.   When I started thinking that I wanted to become a top reviewer on Amazon, my ranking was like #95,460 and my goal was to be below 90,000 by the end of the year. That's because I did not know how long it would take, nor what kind of competition there is for such a thing. I write honest reviews, try to give the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of all items, whether they are a cool pair of ear buds or a mundane item like a loofah scrubber. Reviews, and GOOD reviews are helpful to other customers. To write a good review, you have to set aside your personal bias for or against an item. That comes easier with the items I've won, mostly because they are so random. I take a look at the item, at it's advertisement first. Then I look the item over and see if those aspects DO sell the item. If they don't, that is written in the review. If they do, I say how much that aspect helps me in my life. For instance:...