I whipped up Mango in about a week. Yes, making a stuff animal is fiddly and involves a lot of attaching. That part would've gone better with a yarn needle, but I couldn't find it. I used a crochet hook. Mango and Dave. My relationship with Mango has caused a bit of concern with Dave and Alex who think I've totally lost it. Maybe I have, but not without good reason: The wrist is inflamed and that means doctor visits. I can't knit, sew or do anything else with a bum wrist. I can however, play with Mango: Mango is planking on the roof of the car. On the bird feeder. Sitting for his glamour shot. I talk to Mango, and I tote him everywhere. At least I'm not sleeping with him....
there lives a woman with knitting needles of fire.